Who we help
The Marylebone Project is accessible to women aged 18 or over experiencing homelessness. Whilst predominantly the majority of our service users come from across the Borough of Westminster, increasingly we are welcoming vulnerable individuals from across the UK.
No matter what the root cause or situation is which has resulted in their homelessness, no judgement is made on their circumstances or past life experiences. Every individual journey is unique, with each individual context explored and understood with the aspiration to provide support.
The average age of our service users (residents and The Sanctuary) is 35-45 yrs. Our residential arm represents a diverse blend of heritage; 80% of residents are from an ethnic background – African (Eritrean, Ethiopian), the Arab nations and an increasing number of EU nationals due to job/income loss during the pandemic.
The average length of stay for an individual is 18 months at which point – with the support of our Resettlement Team – they successfully move onto some form independent living or alternatively different temporary accommodation.
Every woman who benefits from the work of the Marylebone Project is inspirational with their own unique journey.
Every donation – big or small, goes directly to supporting our work and making that crucial difference in tackling women’s homelessness.